Winter Conference, January 15-21, 2017
Aspen Center for Physics
Remarkable experimental and theoretical developments in the last few years have led to a deeper understanding of the real-time dynamics of quantum many-body systems. On the theory front, the principles underlying the thermalization (or lack thereof) of quantum systems subject to different kinds of external driving, disorder, interactions and resulting internal ordering are just being discovered. Simultaneously, numerical methods have become more powerful in exploring quantum many-body dynamics. Experimental systems which have provided a window on the nature of quantum coherent dynamics include cold atomic gases, disordered superconductors and ultra-fast spectroscopic probes. This Aspen winter meeting brings together leading practitioners in the respective communities for a coherent push on the non-equilibrium frontier.
- Dmitry Abanin (University of Geneva)
- Ehud Altman (UC Berkeley)
- Richard Averitt (UC San Diego)
- Mari-Carmen Banuls (MPI Quantum Optics)
- Sergio Boixo (Google)
- Marin Bukov (BU)
- Eugene Demler (Harvard University)
- Tom Devereaux (Stanford University)
- Andre Eckardt (MPI Complex Systems)
- Fabian Heidrich-Meisner (LMU Munich)
- John Harter (Caltech)
- Sergei Isakov (Google)
- Juan Garrahan (Nottingham)
- Markus Greiner (Harvard University)
- Christian Gross (MPI Quantum Optics)
- Vedika Khemani (Harvard University)
- Philip Kim (Harvard University)
- Takis Kontos (CNRS/ENS)
- Johannes Knolle (University of Cambridge)
- Chris Laumann (Boston University)
- Alex Levchenko* (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Ivar Martin (Argonne)
- Aditi Mitra (New York University)
- Joel Moore (UC Berkeley)
- Steve Nagler (Oak Ridge National Lab)
- William Oliver (MIT)
- Sid Parameswaran (UC Irvine)
- Anatoli Polkovnikov (Boston University)
- Gil Refael (Caltech)
- Suchitra Sebastian (University of Cambridge)
- Danny Shahar (Weizmann)
- Jörg Schmiedmayer (TU Vienna)
- David Schuster (University of Chicago)
- Juliette Simonet (University of Hamburg)
- Jeff Thompson (Princeton University)
- Masahito Ueda* (University of Tokyo)